
Showing posts from 2012

HR Flag UPDATE / 2012/ Dec in Canada, Vancouver II.

HR Flag UPDATE / 2012/ Dec in Canada, Vancouver

GLOBAL VILLAGE VISUAL POETRY/ DENMARK organized by Victor Vidal, Copenhagen, Denmark

HR Flag Update, Portugal and Canada 2012, Denmark 2013

The Lady Daw Aung San Suu Kyi received our book Freedom and Art congratulations to a 74 artis who sent artworks to this great project 2008 - 2012

Room No 5 Circle Of Arts - Skylight Gallery in NYC, USA, 2012

28 Sept- 26 October, 2012 The HR flag in Braga, Portugal

The event Human Rights: a global village project: Greece

NO CODE, Urban 2012

Gene II, Urban 2012

BANDEIRA DOS DIREITOS HUMANOS na Galeria Vieira Portuense (Porto - Portugal)

1,000 visitors saw the Human Rights Flag on the 2nd day of Eastern in Holland, Droten, Netherlands. We received many compliments about it. Big compliments to all artists who participated!